The first candidates
5-7 working daysSearch
without subscription400+
successful hires10 years
experience in recruiting100 000+
specialists in our baseThe first candidates
5-7 working daysSearch
without subscription400+
successful hires10 years
experience in recruiting100 000+
specialists in our baseThe first candidates
5-7 working daysSearch
without subscription400+
successful hires10 years
experience in recruiting100 000+
specialists in our baseThe first candidates
5-7 working daysSearch
without subscription400+
successful hires10 years
experience in recruiting100 000+
specialists in our baseThe first candidates
5-7 working daysSearch
without subscription400+
successful hires10 years
experience in recruiting100 000+
specialists in our baseThe agency provides international and Ukrainian recruitment services. Our key strength is an accurate and fast search in the fields of retail, development and e-commerce
We match companies with cool talent. It is our special effort to find the best options for both parties
We are fast and active
We are a team
We are for long-term relations.
These principles reflect our key approaches to work
Why choose
Tsurban Hiring?
We use modern search tools that allow us to accurately find candidates in a short period of time and meet the request as best as possible
of requests for job
Search by
Most often, we search confidentially, not disclosing information about the customer until the stage when the interview of the candidate and the employer already takes place
Our capabilities
by search
CFO search
financial directors
SOC search
of operational directors
CTO search
technical directors
SMO search
marketing directors
CSO search
commercial directors
Search for Team Lead
development team leaders
Search for BA
business analysts
IT specialists
software developers
Search for rare
CLO Search
Logistics Directors
How work is built
in the agency
1 step
Formation of application and profile for search
2 step
Building a search strategy and approving it with the customer
3 step
Research of the market of candidates for the provision of the first introductory report in the form of a long list
4 step
Making a short list during an online meeting between the recruiter and the customer
5 step
Conducting simultaneous interviews with candidates
6 step
Choosing a favorite and signing a Job offer